
We have created this site for the benefit of our families and the convenience of the community. We hope you find it helpful.

Here you will find details of current and recent services at Corbett's. You can let a family that we are serving know that you're thinking of them with a message in the online guest book or a memorial donation. You will also find information on our facilities, preplanning options and grief support resources.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that while, of course, we are always available at a time of loss, our staff is here everyday to assist and guide you and your family. We're happy to tell you more about any of the topics mentioned here or to answer any other questions you may have about our services or funeral service in general.
A Proudly Canadian Owned Local Business

Please feel free to contact us, at your convenience, by telephone, email us at corbett_funeral_home@rogers.com or by simply dropping in to the funeral home during business hours. We're here to help and always happy to talk with you.

Steve Parker

A Death Has Occurred

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It's hard to know what to say when someone experiences loss. Our free weekly newsletter provides insights, quotes and messages on how to help during the first year.
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Proud to be a locally owned & operated business.

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